Our Mission and Core Values
At Saint James, we believe you are a part of a story that is bigger than your own and invite you to discover a spiritual community that extends throughout the world. We are a church that nurtures faith, meeting each person wherever they might be on their spiritual journey. We seek to inspire hope through Biblical preaching, teaching, and music that resonates with hearts, souls, and minds. We love to have fun and do ‘real life’ together – the ups and the downs – while growing in love with God and one another. Our prayer is that everyone who visits would experience a sense of God’s love for them, a deep peace uniquely found in Jesus, and a glimpse of wonder in the Holy Spirit.

Saint James Church’s mission is to serve God, strengthen families and individuals, and serve our community. We purpose to faithfully uphold the legacy of our founders and those before us by operating a Christian church in the Anglican Episcopal tradition. This includes offering programs and activities which care for the needs of others, both spiritually and practically.
Core Values
JOY. We are a community whose experience of God’s grace opens our hearts to gratitude and celebration.
REVERENCE. We desire to honor and glorify God in all things, and we experience his transforming presence in the liturgical and musical beauty of our Anglican tradition.
FAITHFULNESS. We endeavor to grow as disciples of Jesus as we study the Scriptures, teach the historic Christian faith, and share the Good News locally and globally.
PRAYER. We seek the Holy Spirit’s direction, guidance, and strength through corporate devotion and as we intercede for people in need.
LOVE. We are a people dependent on the love of Jesus and aspire to follow His example and deeply love all of God’s creation with humility and respect.
UNITY. We are a community of Jesus-followers and seekers who come from all walks of life and believe that what unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us. Women and men can serve as priests and deacons in our church. Laypeople and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of our church.
DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, AND JUSTICE. We aspire to be a vibrant multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-racial church with a leadership team and congregation reflective of Delaware County. We are committed to creating a safe and compassionate environment for LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, and anyone marginalized or vulnerable. All forms of abuse, slander, dehumanization, or oppression toward fellow humans is an affront against God’s sacred image, which has been stamped upon all people. We are committed to pursuing Gospel-centered justice and equality.